суббота, 28 ноября 2009 г.

Norway`s Energy Wealth

I had listened one podcast :
“Business Daily: Norway`s Energy Wealth at BBC World Service, broadcast on 23 November 2009-http://search.bbc.co.uk/search?scope=all&tab=tvradio&q=Norway%27s+Energy+Wealth
I had an aim to self-assess what skills do I have to listening tasks, especially how I can understand the authentic speech. I had listened this podcast three times, because I had difficulties with understanding some phrases.
In broadcast which I was listened Norway's Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, answered how does Norway balance the need to find new oil and gas fields, with the need to protect environmentally sensitive areas in the Arctic. And what he said about it? He said: “We have to find a balance between the need to development new oil and gas fields but also to protect the environment and we have don`t to restrict the environment.” Jens Stoltenberg said some words about Norway`s projects, few words about oil and gas export. The second part of the listening task was about Bolivia, about Bolivia`s relations with other countries. The President of Bolivia Evo Morales was a different relationship with other countries and three years ago he nationalized the energy industry. Should the Bolivia open the door to the world? Also some people said their opinions about free agreement Bolivia with China.
The hardest situation is when there are many annoying voices on the background, so then I need to listen for more times of the podcast. When I heard another language I can`t concentrate on translation.
It was difficult to understand each word, but I hope that I will be able in future to understand all words without difficulties.